Top 5 Books To Read In 2024

Books. They have always had the ability to take us to different, magical worlds, make us wonder about all the beautiful places that cities around the world hide, sometimes, they might have even brought us to tear, or made us cry from laughter.

New books come out daily and one of the most difficult things to do is actually to make a list of the best ones to read since they can all offer something different to us. There are also various genres, whether it is non-fiction, science fiction, a mystery, or perhaps a drama, you will probably find something that will be interesting and fun to read. Hence, if you enjoy reading books while relaxing after a long day at work, here are some of the best one available in the marketplace:

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1. Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations, by Mira Jacob

When the author’s son Z was asked by a stranger what he is, he said: “Jewish in the summer and Indian in the winter.” Z is also a big fan of the Jackson Five and he has decided to change his name to The Sixth Jackson. He is completely sure that people will understand why he is the “sixth Jackson” after they see his dance moves, which he is more than happy to demonstrate almost everywhere (like on the subway or at a park). His enchanting view of the world is the heart of this quite funny and moving novel, a novel that explores love, identity, race, and sexuality.

2. Daisy Jones & The Six, by Taylor Jenkins Reid

The singer of the famous ‘70 rock band Daisy Jones & The Six used to say that she has no interest in being someone’s muse. She also used to say, that she is not a muse and that she is the somebody. At the beginning of these books, you will be able to read about the rise of her fame and the bands notorious spirit. This book that will make you want to read more and more with every page that you turn has been picked by Amazon to base a series on it.

3. Survival Math: Notes on an All-American Family, by Mitchell S. Jackson

Mitchell grew up in one of the whitest cities in America and this book explores all the forces that have and still are shaping his life. Inside this wonderful book, you will be able to see pictures, read short interviews and poems made from historical documents. He explores the ideas about fatherhood, how gangs twist people’s lives, and there is always something that echoes on just how complex the junction of class and race is in America.

4. Gingerbread, by Helen Oyeyemi

This box is the sixth one by the famous writer Helen Oyeyemi, who is loved for her realistic, yet magical tales. In this book, she points her imagination on the mysterious place a gingerbread holds in stories for children. You will be able to read about a mother and daughter who inherited a gingerbread recipe that is not popular in London’s communities, however, their golden cookies are popular in the land of the mother’s youth. The daughter sets out to find this mysterious and mythical place, and along the way she discovers who her mother really is.

5. Black Leopard, Red Wolf, by Marlon James

This new, fantasy is an incredible “African Game of Thrones”. This book, draws his imagination on the vivid African mythology and history, to tell an intriguing story about a hunter who is forced to join a group of mercenaries in order to find a child that has disappeared. There is no doubt that the final product will be riveting and epic, just as his award-winning book “A Brief History of Seven Killings”, which is about the attempted assassination on Bob Marley in the 1970s.


These books will awake your imagination, make you question a lot of things, and make you consider your life choices. So after a long day at work, grab one of these books, and enjoy some relaxation time with these novels.